It is very nice that we can have fast-food restaurants, computers, and the rest of the technological inventions that we now have in place so we can make our lives that much better and that much easier to navigate through. One of the things I have found out in my own personal walk with the Lord is that many of the times, He will have a much slower way of working things than I ever thought He would. We are so used to everything moving at break-neck speed, that we then have a very hard time in adjusting to the slower ways that God will work things out in our life. Computers are now moving faster than ever before and they are allowing news events to hit the screen just right after the news event has actually occurred. In the very fast-paced world in which we all now live in, things are set up for maximum speed and efficiency.įast food restaurants are a favorite for many people because they like to be able to go through a fast drive-thru and receive their order in just a matter of minutes. He did not deposit dreams and callings into our hearts not to bring them into fruition: be patient, ask important questions, and trust God for His goodness.Without question, one of the hardest things for many Christians to do with the Lord is to wait on His timing to make certain things happen in their lives. If you sense that God is calling you to something, don’t give up too soon. He wants us to know that in our weakness, He becomes our strength, in our uncertainty He becomes our peace, in our wavering and unknowing He reveals Himself strong.įor the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. Somehow when we get to a place where we are utterly dependent on Him, He begins to move mightily in our lives. God wants us to learn to place our complete trust in Him. This is important because often we want to place our trust in tangible things, people, or our own experience and accomplishments. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation on You I wait all the day. Show me Your ways, O Lord teach Your paths. Continue earnestly in prayer asking Him to show you what He wants you to know.

Have you quieted your mind and spirit long enough to sense His direction or calling? During this season ask God to reveal Himself strong. Perhaps He wants to give you a new vision. Maybe He wants to reveal something to you during this season about areas of needed growth. Perhaps God desires to deepen your faith. Here are 4 important questions to ask in order to gain a greater spiritual perspective: When we do we can gain great clarity, peace of mind, and insight. Every now and then we need to take a thoughtful spiritual assessment of our lives. Stepping back and gaining an objective view of what is happening in our lives can be very beneficial. I know the purposes and plans I have for you says the Lord, plans of a future and a hope. Lean not on your own understanding, but rather ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, guidance and direction. Don’t grow weary because things are not going fast enough for you or exactly how you planned. If this is resonating with you at all, I want to remind you that God loves you and He has a plan for your life. Or perhaps question His calling for our lives. We may wonder if God has forgotten about us.

When we don’t see God working fast enough in our lives doubt can enter our minds. In our modern technological age we are use to instantaneous results. We need to understand His timing is not our own. I think one of the most challenging things we have to grapple with as believers is the concept of God’s timing.